Sunday, April 12, 2009

dis here iz a pay-ra-syte. u lik dat? i wanna put dat in my mouf an giv it a lil licky-wicky.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

cheez madnash

dis not wa' i do wich dem cheezbalz. watzin' dis makes my noggin' get awl dizzay.


hey dere. u likn' doz cheezbalz? i got summa dem. u wanchum? den get summa dem.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


dyu know bout kanye? here he be.

hey, im bloggin

so i gotz dis queschun. is dere any-1 else out dere who gitz willies when dey be lookin' at da twitz? i saw dat ashtun cootcher an hiz beau - dat demi moorz - on da twit an it waz soooopa' cute! : ) whatchu thinkin'? doyu see dat 2?

hey dere, diz iz toodz n noodz

dya got a clu who u be dealin wit? dis iz toodles n' noodles. an i got summa dat stuf ta say. an u gotz summa dat u wanna be hearin'. so lisn' up, hotstuff, cuz toodz n noodz iz here ta spit sum truf.

Toodz n' Noodz

r you a dude? den come on down to toodz n noodz. no no ya'll. dyagot a clue who you dealin wit'? me, toodles and noodles. an i gotz lotz ta say. so you lisn' up err day an i be tellin u lik it iz; ok, hotstuff?